5 Killer Ways To Optimize Your Facebook Business Page

Keeping up with a Facebook business is a hard thing to do. But with the various tools on the social media platform, managing may come a bit less stressful.



May 7, 2018

Let’s admit it. Keeping up with your Facebook business is a hard thing to do. But with the various tools on the social media platform, managing may come a bit less stressful. Promoting your Facebook business should be over in a few clicks.

But how do you “sell” your Facebook business online? Is there a way to make your target audience click on your page? What are the do’s and don’ts of the online world? Here are five ways to ensure that you are getting the most out of your Facebook business page.

Characterizing Your Facebook Business Page

1. Establish Your Business’ Identity

What gets the most attention online are pages that show the most personality among the bunch. Personality may not mean attitude. It may mean how the business page delivers something new to the table. Today, the trend is to be relevant. Business pages often jump into the meme culture. This tactic enables them to get the attention they need by unconsciously getting promoted through post shares and page likes. The better personality your page has, the better.

2. Write a Good “About Us” Section

Part of introducing your Facebook business means presenting it to the customers. One of the helpful tools online is the “About Us” tab. In there, you get to write a short description of what your Facebook business is. It could also be a venue to “sell” your business in a subtle way. The things you should include there are what your business is about. You can also include a background of the business. Also, add a little info about the business owner. By doing this, you are establishing rapport with your probable clients in the long run.

3. Make sure your clients can contact you easily

Now that you’ve established your Facebook business’ identity online, you should be ready for the gradual surge of customers. Most of the time, Facebook businesses fail to set up their contacts. Your contact list will provide you more chances that clients will book your business. These are your lifelines. After all, what’s a Facebook business sense if a customer can’t reach the person in charge?

4. Continuity of posts

There could be a lot of excuses that will prohibit you to do this step. But this is vital. To provide posts on a daily basis makes your Facebook business page active. And by “active,” it means that your page will be on your likers’ timelines. The more times they see you, the more times that they will share you on social media. People also like pages that are always updating compared to stagnant pages.

5. Keywording is key

Although it’s Facebook we’re talking about, keywords are still relevant. These simple words that you add to your Facebook business posts help you appear in queries in the search bar. Usually, the first page that pops up in the search is the one the user clicks. The keywords will help you rank up on Facebook business searches. This will let your page appear first. — Christian Apostol, SLU