Awesome Ways to Give Life to Your Brand Identity

Just like one’s unique personal style, brand identity is a competitive edge that sets a business apart from other companies.



July 2, 2018


Just like one’s unique personal style, brand identity is a competitive edge that sets a business apart from other companies. The terms “brand,” “branding,” and “brand identity” are sometimes taken as one, but that is not a collective term. So what exactly is brand identity?

The brand is the perception of the company in the eyes of the consumers. Branding is the marketing practice of actively shaping and molding a distinctive, unique brand. Brand Identity, on the other hand, is the collection of all elements the company possesses. These elements are a representation of a particular image the company wants to be portrayed towards its consumers.

Brand identity is important because this is what makes a company recognizable to its consumers. Today’s technology makes it easier for everyone to access and interact. Mobile technology and social media play a prominent role in the field of social and content marketing (concepts that go with brand identity).

In the business industry—whatever field that may be—the competition is very tight despite the more accessible technology. This is where your brand identity might come in handy, not only towards mobile technology but also through social media. Here are some excellent ways on how to build a strong brand identity.

Know who you are as a brand

As a company or business, you should be able to define your mission, your values, or what beliefs drive your company. You should also consider your personality, how you differentiate yourself from others, and how would you communicate. Questions like “Why did we start this business?” or “What makes us special?” and “What are three words that we want our consumers to describe us?” are fundamental in determining who you are as a brand. Having these key elements is what defines your brand, and an understanding of each one is crucial to make the company’s identity crystal clear.

Your design will determine how your brand is perceived.

The company’s logo, packaging, web design, social media graphics, business cards, and the uniforms your employees wear are the tangible elements that help define your brand. The interior design of your office is also a factor. All these elements grant a successful brand identity.

The building blocks of your design should include:

  • Typography – this refers to the font you choose for your branding materials.
  • Color Palette – strategically using the right color to represent your brand can have a significant impact on your consumers. Choosing the right color is very important, as color has psychological ties to your brand identity. The color red could represent youthfulness and excitement whereas the color black could represent sophistication and modernity. So choose your colors wisely.
  • Shape – the form and shape of your designs can be used to reinforce the desired reaction from your consumers. Round shapes can portray a loving and unified company, while squares or rectangles can depict stability, strength, and efficiency. The form and shape of your designs, in general, should be balanced out so it would not fail to connect with your audience.

Brand Identity should translate who you are

Depending on the nature of the business, your brand identity can be expressed in any number of elements. Here are some physical aspects of brand identity:

  • Logo – you may want your logo to have a clear message as to what do you value as a brand. It should be classic and have a lasting impression towards consumers.
  • Website – whether you’re running an online business or a digital product, having a site can boost your reach as well as your sales. The website is the place where your brand identity should hit in full force.
  • Product Packaging – Invest and never underestimate the value of a good design. Proper packaging can improve your customer experience, and to acquire loyalty and repeat purchase.
  • Business Cards – a good impression always lasts. When it comes to business transactions, a well-designed business card shows a favorable opinion about your brand.

Overall, your brand identity is what makes you different from an endless number of competitors. This element of branding will show what they can expect from your company. That’s why it’s important to stay consistent and authentic. — Lyndon Coedno, UC