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ATTN Appointment Setters — Read this before interring your lead information.
For Interested Prospects
People who request to receive more information about our services and aren’t ready for an appointment with us just yet. Enter their information in the Murphy Consulting Lead Form on the right hand side of this page.

What this will do?
When you enter a prospects information on the MC Lead Form, our system will start engaging with the client via email and SMS. Our engagement will provide your prospect everything they need to know regarding the benefits of using a whilelabeler like us. It will also try to have the prospect book an appointment with us throughout the automation process. Appointments are required for most sales to happen but getting the appointment will be automated. This is not to replace you. You should ALWAYS try and get the appointment yourself but our systems will also help.

How do you get credit for the appointment?
If our systems are able to generate the appointment for you. You will get 100% credit for the appointment set.
Tagging The Prospect As Lead in Chirply
After submitting the Murphy Consulting Lead Form you will tag the disposition as interested in Chirply. Chirply will not dial out until you select a disposition. This way, if you have an interested prospect, you have time to enter their details in the form and select the appropriate disposition. The disposition you should be using is Interested, NOTHING ELSE.
If you can get the prospect to agree to an appointment right away
Getting the appointment is your goal. You are paid on appointments so ultimately, an appointment is the single most valuable action you can do.

If you have someone that agrees for an appointment click on the link that reads
Schedule time with me
Next, you will see our Calendar pop up.
1. Change the timezone to match the timezone of the client.
2. And set an available time with the customer.
3. Enter the customer details.
4. Enter the answers and submit.
After you set up a time, then you can enter the clients full details.

After you enter the full details then you’re going to ask a few simple questions and submit the appointment.
Watch This Video For Appointment Flow
Tagging The Prospect As Appointment in Chirply
In the event that you’re able to set the appointment straight away. After submitting the appointment details, then go back into Chirply and select the New Appointment, disposition before taking another call
Murphy Consulting Leadform
Schedule time with me
Select the OFFER the prospect is interested in.*
Provide us a brief summary of your the important points of your conversation with the prospect.
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